30 August 1985

“Personal Evaluation”

The best thing that happened to me over the summer is hard to tell since a lot of things good happened to me. Probably the best thing is that I got to spend the best summer ever with my dad before he died. We went to South Dakota and saw the Corn Palace, we saw this modern-made pioneer village that included everything from a barber shop and bank to a graveyard and school (but none of our cameras worked that day), and I came very close to God that summer also.

The things I am most looking forward to as an 8th grader are the school amusement park trip, the graduation, being the 3rd oldest student in the whole school, being there for the little kids who need an older friend (especially my little sister Susie), and, most of all, having the best last year in elementary school.

The most important things that I have to offer to our class so that this year goes well for everyone are probably my friendship, being there when someone feels alone, setting an example, and helping out in sports and sales (like bake sales).

The one thing I have to work on is being more open, expressing my opinion, and being a good leader, not a follower of everyone else.

What the slogan "lift your wings: soar to success" means is that everyone should really try – put some effort into it – and they can be anything they want. How I plan to live up to it is trying real hard in Student Council, working on my work so it gets finished, and being more open and expressing.

What's Happening in the World
  • Live Aid concerts raise money for Ethiopian famine relief; in theaters: Back to the Future, The Goonies, Teen Wolf
  • Islamic terrorist bombing in Madrid kills 18; Sikh terrorist bombing of Air India flight kills 329
  • South Africa ends interracial marriage ban; Kuwait grants women right to vote; Aspen, Colorado implements first US ban on smoking in restaurants
  • New Coke introduced, Fidel Castro calls it “a sign of American capitalist decadence," old Coke returns to shelves as Coke Classic